Discover the Thousand Steps

Dive into a professional career for women: motherhood, recruitment, stereotypes, work/life balance, money, power, sexism, self-esteem, etc.
Will you be able to overcome all these challenges?

It's up to you to write your career and accumulate a thousand steps to win!

Learn more

    Les Mille pas offers to discover a professional career for women in 8 categories: motherhood, recruitment, stereotypes, work/life balance, money, power, sexism, self-esteem, etc.


    Thanks to the 29 RED LIGHT cards, Les Mille pas are rooted in reality with women's testimonies and numerical and contextual data. This allows for rapid awareness of inequalities.


    Thanks to the 58 GREEN LIGHT cards, Les Mille pas propose new or generalized solutions to combat inequalities and advance the debate.

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